Saturday, February 22, 2020

We spend too much on education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

We spend too much on education - Essay Example Assuredly, the returns to education are currently higher than they were a few years ago. However, to acquire this education, the government is seemingly spending more when compared with the efficiency it derives. Indeed, various costs relate to the acquisition of education. Nevertheless, the amount we spend on education does not seem to correlate with the value of the resulting credentials. As such, this paper shows that we are currently spending too much on education. The federal government and the American taxpayers are already feeling the pressure of financing education in America (Whybrow, n.y). Indeed, in its quest to provide education to its citizens, the federal government using taxes subsidizes costs on research, tuition, offers student’s loans, and scholarships (McArdle, 2012). In the recent years, these costs have been increasing as seen in the country’s education budget. Indeed, the education sector currently takes one of the biggest chunks of the national budget as the federal government, the taxpayers struggle to keep up with the increasing number of students, and the costs related to education. Notably, the eminent struggle to finance education shows that the results of previous financing have no capacity to support modern education. As such, we can confirm that the federal government and the taxpayers are spending too much on education. At the same time, Americans seeking to acquire higher education at the universities and colleges are currently paying a lot of money towards this venture. Indeed, such students or their parents have to pay accommodation, library, transport, alumni donations, tuition, research, private scholarships, and other costs related to quality education (McArdle, 2012). In fact, by 2011, an average college student would spend about $ 17,000 a year while those who opt to take the government’s education loans accrue about $ 23,000 a year (The New York Times, 2011). These figures have risen in the recent past and

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Fairy Tail Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fairy Tail Analysis - Essay Example And yet, according to author Anna Altmann, other women are not given a chance to mature into responsible adults who can handle their problems, and constantly have to rely on a male character for their survival. In fact, there is an argument that, for a very long time, fairy tales have focused much attention on patriarchal domination and female submission to the man (Altmann 23). In this case study of stepmother in â€Å"Snow White† and the witch in the â€Å"Beauty and the Beast† women are drawn as having cruel and wicked attitudes. . In the male dominated world, it is unfortunate that women could not afford the ability to unite and fight their common enemy – man. This domination tarnishes what it is to be a woman and severely limits not only the ability to be perceived as a heroine, but also the ability to have a positive and meaningful place in society. According to Jerome Griswold in his work on â€Å"Beauty and the Beast,† women have an incredibly wick ed character (15). This attribute can be seen in the beginning of his work when he states that, among the three daughters, the youngest happens to be the most beautiful among them all. This fact makes the two sisters develop hatred for their sister just because of her unwarranted supposedly appealing looks. The two sisters end up being devalued due to their looks, and as a result, scheme to destroy their more beautiful sister. Griswold describes these two sisters as egoistic individuals who have no hope of a better future free of grudges (39). Furthermore, despite the good nature of Beauty, it does not change the fact that her sisters hate her. Later on in the plot, the theme of women being evil is brought out more vividly. The two sisters scheme to destroy the well-nurtured relationship between Beauty and the Beast. It is amazing how they make Beauty remain at home longer than the stipulated one week agreed upon by the Beast and Beauty. Griswold notes that the sisters are very disg usted with the thought of supposed marriage between their sister and the Beast (56). The most astounding thing is how blood sisters would go to the extent of being jealous of someone in the same family! A more flamboyant picture of women being evil is created when punishment is administered to the wicked sisters. As the story wraps up, the two sisters are turned into statues and are to remain so until they confess all the harms they have caused to the family. This is in juxtaposition to their younger sister, Beauty, who is composed and forgiving and does not desire material benefits, a remarkable display of maturity that is rewarded with a happy life with her Beast. â€Å"Snow White† is yet another fairy tale that brings out the wicked nature of women in the general public via her relationship with her stepmother. Stone argues that despite the wishes of Snow White’s mother to have a beautiful daughter- with white teeth resembling snow, dark hair like the ebony and red lips, her step mother, the queen, is riddled with envy (57). The evil and wicked nature of the queen clouds her thinking and renders her unable to think of anything but ways to destroy Snow White so the wicked queen can, once again, be the fairest in the land. The conclusion of the story has the stepmother attending Snow White’s wedding to the prince. Here, even the pure Snow White might be perceived as cruel for condemning the wicked queen dance to her death in red hot iron shoes. In conclusion, Maria Tatar